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path: root/json_tokens
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authorCharlie Stanton <charlie@shtanton.xyz>2023-05-12 11:37:44 +0100
committerCharlie Stanton <charlie@shtanton.xyz>2023-05-12 11:37:44 +0100
commit551613765c9e60e2221ac920d2756b949e68f373 (patch)
treeac579a9e0d6c015edca694880f259c8dac4d7a04 /json_tokens
parente98ebbad387def55d8347adb5bf45034d542cce0 (diff)
Move reading and writing of tokens into a separate package to prepare for other input and output formats
Diffstat (limited to 'json_tokens')
2 files changed, 641 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/json_tokens/read.go b/json_tokens/read.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95bbb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/json_tokens/read.go
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+package json_tokens
+import (
+ "main/walk"
+ "bufio"
+ "strings"
+ "strconv"
+ "fmt"
+type ReadAction int
+const (
+ ActionReadValue ReadAction = iota
+ ActionAppendPath
+ ActionPopPath
+ ActionIncrementPath
+ ActionAppendPathNull
+type JSONInStructure int
+const (
+ JSONInMap JSONInStructure = iota
+ JSONInArray
+type JSONInState int
+const (
+ JSONInValueEnd JSONInState = iota
+ JSONInValue
+ JSONInValueStart
+ JSONInString
+type JSONIn struct {
+ path []walk.Atom
+ reader *bufio.Reader
+ structure []JSONInStructure
+ state JSONInState
+ readBuffer []walk.Atom
+ readIndex int
+ readBufferCapacity int
+ actionBuffer []ReadAction
+ actionIndex int
+func NewJSONIn(reader *bufio.Reader) *JSONIn {
+ return &JSONIn {
+ path: make([]walk.Atom, 0, 256),
+ reader: reader,
+ structure: []JSONInStructure{},
+ state: JSONInValueStart,
+ readBuffer: make([]walk.Atom, 0, 256),
+ readIndex: 0,
+ readBufferCapacity: 256,
+ actionBuffer: make([]ReadAction, 0, 256),
+ actionIndex: 0,
+ }
+func isWhitespace(r rune) bool {
+ for _, ws := range " \t\r\n" {
+ if r == ws {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+func isNumberRune(r rune) bool {
+ return '0' <= r && r <= '9' || r == '.'
+func (in *JSONIn) popPath() {
+ if len(in.path) == 0 {
+ panic("Tried to pop from empty path")
+ }
+ finalAtom := in.path[len(in.path) - 1]
+ if finalAtom.Typ != walk.AtomStringTerminal {
+ in.path = in.path[:len(in.path) - 1]
+ return
+ }
+ i := len(in.path) - 2
+ for {
+ if i < 0 {
+ panic("Missing string begin in path")
+ }
+ if in.path[i].Typ == walk.AtomStringTerminal {
+ break
+ }
+ i--
+ }
+ in.path = in.path[:i]
+func (in *JSONIn) nextNonWsRune() (rune, error) {
+ for {
+ r, _, err := in.reader.ReadRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ if !isWhitespace(r) {
+ return r, nil
+ }
+ }
+func (in *JSONIn) requireString(criteria string) {
+ for _, r := range criteria {
+ in.require(r)
+ }
+func (in *JSONIn) require(criterion rune) {
+ r, _, err := in.reader.ReadRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Error while reading required rune: " + err.Error())
+ }
+ if r != criterion {
+ panic("Required rune not read")
+ }
+// Returns the first full value of a list of atoms and also a boolean to indicate if there isn't a value at the beginning
+func firstValue(atoms []walk.Atom) ([]walk.Atom, bool) {
+ if len(atoms) == 0 {
+ return nil, true
+ }
+ if atoms[0].Typ != walk.AtomStringTerminal {
+ return atoms[0:1], false
+ }
+ i := 1
+ for {
+ if i == len(atoms) {
+ return nil, true
+ }
+ if atoms[i].Typ == walk.AtomStringTerminal {
+ return atoms[0:i+1], false
+ }
+ i++
+ }
+func (in *JSONIn) readValue() []walk.Atom {
+ try:
+ value, incomplete := firstValue(in.readBuffer[in.readIndex:])
+ if incomplete {
+ if in.readIndex == 0 {
+ newReadBuffer := make([]walk.Atom, len(in.readBuffer), in.readBufferCapacity * 2)
+ in.readBufferCapacity *= 2
+ copy(newReadBuffer, in.readBuffer)
+ in.readBuffer = newReadBuffer
+ in.fillReadBuffer()
+ goto try
+ }
+ copy(in.readBuffer, in.readBuffer[in.readIndex:])
+ in.readBuffer = in.readBuffer[:len(in.readBuffer) - in.readIndex]
+ in.readIndex = 0
+ copy(in.actionBuffer, in.actionBuffer[in.actionIndex:])
+ in.actionBuffer = in.actionBuffer[:len(in.actionBuffer) - in.actionIndex]
+ in.actionIndex = 0
+ in.fillReadBuffer()
+ goto try
+ }
+ in.readIndex += len(value)
+ return value
+func (in *JSONIn) Read() (walk.WalkItem, error) {
+ for {
+ if in.actionIndex == len(in.actionBuffer) {
+ in.actionIndex = 0
+ in.readIndex = 0
+ in.actionBuffer = in.actionBuffer[:0]
+ in.readBuffer = in.readBuffer[:0]
+ err := in.fillReadBuffer()
+ if len(in.actionBuffer) == 0 {
+ return walk.WalkItem{}, err
+ }
+ }
+ action := in.actionBuffer[in.actionIndex]
+ in.actionIndex++
+ switch action {
+ case ActionReadValue:
+ value := in.readValue()
+ return walk.WalkItem {
+ Value: value,
+ Path: in.path,
+ }, nil
+ case ActionAppendPath:
+ value := in.readValue()
+ in.path = append(in.path, value...)
+ case ActionAppendPathNull:
+ in.path = append(in.path, walk.NewAtomNull())
+ case ActionPopPath:
+ in.popPath()
+ case ActionIncrementPath:
+ prevIndex := in.path[len(in.path) - 1]
+ if prevIndex.Typ == walk.AtomNull {
+ prevIndex = walk.NewAtomNumber(0)
+ } else if prevIndex.Typ == walk.AtomNumber {
+ prevIndex = walk.NewAtomNumber(prevIndex.Number() + 1)
+ } else {
+ panic("Invalid index in array input. Type: " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", prevIndex.Typ))
+ }
+ in.path[len(in.path) - 1] = prevIndex
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid ReadAction")
+ }
+ }
+func (in *JSONIn) AssertDone() {
+ if len(in.structure) != 0 || in.state != JSONInValueEnd || in.readIndex < len(in.readBuffer) {
+ panic("Input ended on incomplete JSON root")
+ }
+func (in *JSONIn) pushReadBuffer(atom walk.Atom) bool {
+ in.readBuffer = append(in.readBuffer, atom)
+ return len(in.readBuffer) == in.readBufferCapacity
+func (in *JSONIn) pushActionBuffer(action ReadAction) {
+ in.actionBuffer = append(in.actionBuffer, action)
+// Appends to the readBuffer until it has reached capacity
+// Also appends to the actionBuffer as needed
+func (in *JSONIn) fillReadBuffer() error {
+ switch in.state {
+ case JSONInValueStart:
+ goto valueStart
+ case JSONInValue:
+ goto value
+ case JSONInValueEnd:
+ goto valueEnd
+ case JSONInString:
+ goto string
+ case JSONInKey:
+ goto key
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid JSONInState")
+ }
+ valueStart: {
+ if len(in.structure) == 0 {
+ goto value
+ }
+ innermost := in.structure[len(in.structure) - 1]
+ switch innermost {
+ case JSONInMap:
+ goto mapValue
+ case JSONInArray:
+ goto arrayValue
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid JSONInStructure")
+ }
+ }
+ value: {
+ r, err := in.nextNonWsRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Missing value in JSON")
+ }
+ switch r {
+ case 'n':
+ in.requireString("ull")
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomNull()) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueEnd
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto valueEnd
+ case 'f':
+ in.requireString("alse")
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomBool(false)) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueEnd
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto valueEnd
+ case 't':
+ in.requireString("rue")
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomBool(true)) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueEnd
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto valueEnd
+ case '"':
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomStringTerminal()) {
+ in.state = JSONInString
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto string
+ case '{':
+ in.structure = append(in.structure, JSONInMap)
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionAppendPathNull)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomTerminal(walk.MapBegin)) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueStart
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto mapValue
+ case '[':
+ in.structure = append(in.structure, JSONInArray)
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionAppendPathNull)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomTerminal(walk.ArrayBegin)) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueStart
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto arrayValue
+ }
+ if isNumberRune(r) {
+ var builder strings.Builder
+ builder.WriteRune(r)
+ for {
+ r, _, err = in.reader.ReadRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ if !isNumberRune(r) {
+ in.reader.UnreadRune()
+ break
+ }
+ builder.WriteRune(r)
+ }
+ number, parseError := strconv.ParseFloat(builder.String(), 64)
+ if parseError != nil {
+ panic("Invalid number")
+ }
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomNumber(number)) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueEnd
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto valueEnd
+ }
+ panic("Invalid JSON value starting with: " + string(r))
+ }
+ string: {
+ r, _, err := in.reader.ReadRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Missing closing terminal in string input: " + err.Error())
+ }
+ if r == '"' {
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomStringTerminal()) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueEnd
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto valueEnd
+ }
+ if r == '\\' {
+ r, _, err = in.reader.ReadRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Missing rune after \\")
+ }
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomStringRune(r)) {
+ in.state = JSONInString
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto string
+ }
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomStringRune(r)) {
+ in.state = JSONInString
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto string
+ }
+ key: {
+ var full bool
+ for {
+ r, _, err := in.reader.ReadRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Missing closing terminal in string input: " + err.Error())
+ }
+ if r == '"' {
+ full = in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomStringTerminal())
+ break
+ }
+ if r == '\\' {
+ r, _, err = in.reader.ReadRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Missing rune after \\")
+ }
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomStringRune(r)) {
+ in.state = JSONInKey
+ return nil
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomStringRune(r)) {
+ in.state = JSONInKey
+ return nil
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ r, err := in.nextNonWsRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Expected : got: " + err.Error())
+ }
+ if r != ':' {
+ panic("Expected : after key")
+ }
+ if full {
+ in.state = JSONInValue
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto value
+ }
+ valueEnd: {
+ r, err := in.nextNonWsRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ in.state = JSONInValueEnd
+ return err
+ }
+ if len(in.structure) == 0 {
+ panic("More input after root JSON object ends")
+ }
+ innermost := in.structure[len(in.structure) - 1]
+ if innermost == JSONInMap && r == '}' {
+ in.structure = in.structure[:len(in.structure) - 1]
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionPopPath)
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomTerminal(walk.MapEnd)) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueEnd
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto valueEnd
+ } else if innermost == JSONInArray && r == ']' {
+ in.structure = in.structure[:len(in.structure) - 1]
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionPopPath)
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomTerminal(walk.ArrayEnd)) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueEnd
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto valueEnd
+ }
+ if r != ',' {
+ panic("Expected , after JSON value, found: \"" + string(r) + "\"")
+ }
+ goto valueStart
+ }
+ mapValue: {
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionPopPath)
+ r, err := in.nextNonWsRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Missing value inside object")
+ }
+ if r == '}' {
+ in.structure = in.structure[:len(in.structure) - 1]
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomTerminal(walk.MapEnd)) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueEnd
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto valueEnd
+ }
+ if r != '"' {
+ panic("Expected key found something else")
+ }
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionAppendPath)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomStringTerminal()) {
+ in.state = JSONInKey
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto key
+ }
+ arrayValue: {
+ r, err := in.nextNonWsRune()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Missing value inside array")
+ }
+ if r == ']' {
+ in.structure = in.structure[:len(in.structure) - 1]
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionPopPath)
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionReadValue)
+ if in.pushReadBuffer(walk.NewAtomTerminal(walk.ArrayEnd)) {
+ in.state = JSONInValueEnd
+ return nil
+ }
+ goto valueEnd
+ }
+ in.reader.UnreadRune()
+ in.pushActionBuffer(ActionIncrementPath)
+ goto value
+ }
diff --git a/json_tokens/write.go b/json_tokens/write.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..813f2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/json_tokens/write.go
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+package json_tokens
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "bufio"
+ "main/walk"
+func stringPathSegment(segment walk.PathSegment) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%v", segment)
+type JSONOutStructure int
+const (
+ JSONOutRoot JSONOutStructure = iota
+ JSONOutMap
+ JSONOutArray
+ JSONOutString
+ JSONOutValueEnd
+type JSONOut struct {
+ structure []JSONOutStructure
+ writer *bufio.Writer
+func (out *JSONOut) indent(adjust int) {
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, strings.Repeat("\t", len(out.structure) - 1 + adjust))
+func (out *JSONOut) atomOut(key string, atom walk.Atom) {
+ state := out.structure[len(out.structure) - 1]
+ switch state {
+ case JSONOutRoot, JSONOutMap, JSONOutArray:
+ switch atom.Typ {
+ case walk.AtomNull, walk.AtomBool, walk.AtomNumber:
+ out.indent(0)
+ if state == JSONOutMap {
+ fmt.Fprintf(out.writer, "%q: ", key)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, atom.String())
+ out.structure = append(out.structure, JSONOutValueEnd)
+ case walk.AtomStringTerminal:
+ out.indent(0)
+ if state == JSONOutMap {
+ fmt.Fprintf(out.writer, "%q: ", key)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, "\"")
+ out.structure = append(out.structure, JSONOutString)
+ case walk.AtomTerminal:
+ switch atom.Terminal() {
+ case walk.MapBegin:
+ out.indent(0)
+ if state == JSONOutMap {
+ fmt.Fprintf(out.writer, "%q: ", key)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, "{\n")
+ out.structure = append(out.structure, JSONOutMap)
+ case walk.ArrayBegin:
+ out.indent(0)
+ if state == JSONOutMap {
+ fmt.Fprintf(out.writer, "%q: ", key)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, "[\n")
+ out.structure = append(out.structure, JSONOutArray)
+ case walk.MapEnd:
+ out.indent(-1)
+ if state != JSONOutMap {
+ panic("Map ended while not inside a map")
+ }
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, "}")
+ out.structure[len(out.structure) - 1] = JSONOutValueEnd
+ case walk.ArrayEnd:
+ out.indent(-1)
+ if state != JSONOutArray {
+ panic("Array ended while not inside a array")
+ }
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, "]")
+ out.structure[len(out.structure) - 1] = JSONOutValueEnd
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid TerminalValue")
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid AtomType in root value")
+ }
+ case JSONOutValueEnd:
+ out.structure = out.structure[:len(out.structure) - 1]
+ underState := out.structure[len(out.structure) - 1]
+ if underState == JSONOutMap && atom.Typ == walk.AtomTerminal && atom.Terminal() == walk.MapEnd {
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, "\n")
+ out.indent(-1)
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, "}")
+ out.structure[len(out.structure) - 1] = JSONOutValueEnd
+ } else if underState == JSONOutArray && atom.Typ == walk.AtomTerminal && atom.Terminal() == walk.ArrayEnd {
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, "\n")
+ out.indent(-1)
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, "]")
+ out.structure[len(out.structure) - 1] = JSONOutValueEnd
+ } else if underState == JSONOutRoot {
+ panic("Tried to output JSON after root value has concluded")
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, ",\n")
+ out.atomOut(key, atom)
+ }
+ case JSONOutString:
+ if atom.Typ == walk.AtomStringTerminal {
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, "\"")
+ out.structure[len(out.structure) - 1] = JSONOutValueEnd
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprint(out.writer, atom.String())
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid JSONOutState")
+ }
+func (out *JSONOut) Print(path walk.Path, values []walk.Atom) {
+ var segment walk.PathSegment
+ if len(path) > 0 {
+ segment = path[len(path) - 1]
+ }
+ segmentString := stringPathSegment(segment)
+ for _, atom := range values {
+ out.atomOut(segmentString, atom)
+ }
+func (out *JSONOut) Write(item walk.WalkItem) error {
+ pathValues, err := walk.Compound(item.Path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ path := walk.PathFromWalkValues(pathValues)
+ out.Print(path, item.Value)
+ return nil
+func (out *JSONOut) AssertDone() {
+ out.writer.Flush()
+ if len(out.structure) != 2 || out.structure[0] != JSONOutRoot || out.structure[1] != JSONOutValueEnd {
+ panic("Program ended with incomplete JSON output")
+ }
+func NewJSONOut(writer *bufio.Writer) *JSONOut {
+ return &JSONOut {
+ structure: []JSONOutStructure{JSONOutRoot},
+ writer: writer,
+ }