package main import ( "strings" "testing" ) var miscInput string = `{"something":{"nested":"Here is my test value"},"array":["Hello","world","these","are","values"],"people":[{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Johnson","age":22},{"first_name":"Tom","last_name":"Johnson","age":18},{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Chaplin","age":122},{"first_name":"John","last_name":"Johnson","age":48}]}` func TestMain(t *testing.T) { type test struct { name string program string quiet bool input string expected string } tests := []test { { name: "Verbose Extract", program: `s/#(~(people)~$_@(1$_#(~(first_name)~$_.|(..$_){-0})-|(..$_){-0})-|(..$_){-0})-/p`, quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `"Tom"`, }, { name: "Extract", program: `s/#("people"$_ @(1 $_#("first_name"$_ .)-)-)-/p`, quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `"Tom"`, }, { name: "Simple Extract", program: "s/#(\"people\" @(1 #(\"first_name\" (.$a))-)-)-$_ `$a`/p", quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `"Tom"`, }, { name: "Larger Extract", program: "s/#(\"people\" @(2 (.$a))-)-$_ `$a`/p", quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Chaplin","age":122}`, }, { name: "Extract ages", program: "s/#(\"people\"$_ :(#(\"age\"$_ .)-):)-/p", quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `[22,18,122,48]`, }, { name: "Low memory count people", program: "aX/#(\"people\" :(#()#):)#$_ `1`/o es/#()#/{ xs/.{-0}+/p }", quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: "4", }, { name: "Get full names", program: "s/#(\"people\"$_ .)-/{ s/:():/p as/:(#()#):/{ xdx } s/:(#((\"first_name\" | \"last_name\") .)#)-/X es/@(.#()-)-/{ xs/(#(\"first_name\" \".{-0}$a\")# | #(\"last_name\" \".{-0}$b\")# | .){-0}$_ `\"$a $b\"`/Xxs/-(..)@/p } }", quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `["Charlie Johnson","Tom Johnson","Charlie Chaplin","John Johnson"]`, }, { name: "Get full names 2", program: "s/#(\"people\"$_ .)-/{ s/:():/p as/:(#()#):/{ xdx } X/:(#((\"first_name\" | \"last_name\") .)#)-/o es/@(.#()-)-/{ xX/(#(\"first_name\" \".{-0}$a\")# | #(\"last_name\" \".{-0}$b\")# | .){-0}$_ `\"$a $b\"`/xs/-(..)@/p } }", quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `["Charlie Johnson","Tom Johnson","Charlie Chaplin","John Johnson"]`, }, { name: "Change full names in place", program: "s/#(\"people\" @(. #(\"first_name\" .)#)@)#/{ Nms/#(\"people\" @(. (#(\"first_name\" \".{-0}$a\" \"last_name\" \".{-0}$b\")#$_) `#(\"name\" \"$a $b\")#`)@)#/ }", input: miscInput, expected: `{"something":{"nested":"Here is my test value"},"array":["Hello","world","these","are","values"],"people":[{"name":"Charlie Johnson","age":22},{"name":"Tom Johnson","age":18},{"name":"Charlie Chaplin","age":122},{"name":"John Johnson","age":48}]}`, }, { name: "Get full names with substitute next command", program: "s/#( \"people\"$_ :( #( \"first_name\"$_ . )- )- )-/{ N/#( \"people\"$_ :( #( \"last_name\"$_ . )- )- )-/{ s/-( -( ~(.{-0}` `)- ~(.{-0})- )~ ):/p }}", quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `["Charlie Johnson","Tom Johnson","Charlie Chaplin","John Johnson"]`, }, { name: "Get full names with merge full command", program: "s/#(\"people\"$_ :(): )-/p M/#( \"people\" @( . #()# )@ )#/{ s/#( \"people\"$_ @( . #[ \"first_name\" \".{-0}$a\" | \"last_name\" \".{-0}$b\" | .. $_]- `\"$a $b\"` )@ )-/p }", quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `["Charlie Johnson","Tom Johnson","Charlie Chaplin","John Johnson"]`, }, { name: "Verbose concat array values", program: "as/#( \"array\"$_ :(): )-/{ :s N/#( .$_ . )-/{ es/.{-0}:():/be mbs } :em s/:( -( ~(.{-0}` `)-{-0} ~(.{-0})- )~ )-/p }", quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `"Hello world these are values"`, }, { name: "Short concat array values", program: "M/#( \"array\" :(): )#/{ s/#( \"array\"$_ :( .{-0} )- )-/ s/-( ~(.{-0}` `)-{-0} ~(.{-0})- )~/p }", quiet: true, input: miscInput, expected: `"Hello world these are values"`, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Logf("Running test: %s", var output strings.Builder run(config { quiet: test.quiet, program: test.program, in: strings.NewReader(test.input), out: &output, }) if output.String() != test.expected { t.Errorf("Ran '%s' and expected %s but got %s", test.program, test.expected, output.String()) } } }