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diff --git a/main/main_test.go b/main/main_test.go
index 076693d..802d248 100644
--- a/main/main_test.go
+++ b/main/main_test.go
@@ -21,133 +21,133 @@ func TestSpecificCases(t *testing.T) {
tests := []test {
name: "Verbose Extract",
- program: `s/#(~(people)~$_@(1$_#(~(first_name)~$_.|(..$_){-0})-|(..$_){-0})-|(..$_){-0})-/p`,
+ program: `s/#(~(people)~>_@(1>_#(~(first_name)~>_.|(..)>_*)-|(..)>_*)-|(..)>_*)-/p`,
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `"Tom"`,
name: "Extract",
- program: `s/#("people"$_ @(1 $_#("first_name"$_ .)-)-)-/p`,
+ program: `s/#("people">_ @(1>_#("first_name">_ .)-)-)-/p`,
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `"Tom"`,
name: "Simple Extract",
- program: "s/#(\"people\" @(1 #(\"first_name\" (.$a))-)-)-$_ `$a`/p",
+ program: "s/#(\"people\" @(1 #(\"first_name\" (.>a))-)-)->_ <a/p",
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `"Tom"`,
name: "Larger Extract",
- program: "s/#(\"people\" @(2 (.$a))-)-$_ `$a`/p",
+ program: "s/#(\"people\" @(2 (.>a))-)->_ `<a`/p",
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Chaplin","age":122}`,
name: "Extract ages",
- program: "s/#(\"people\"$_ :(#(\"age\"$_ .)-):)-/p",
+ program: "s/#(\"people\">_ :(#(\"age\">_ .)-):)-/p",
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `[22,18,122,48]`,
name: "Low memory count people",
- program: "aX/#(\"people\" :(#()#):)#$_ `1`/o es/#()#/{ xs/.{-0}+/p }",
+ program: "aX/#(\"people\" :(#()#):)#>_ `1`/o es/#()#/{ xs/.*%+/p }",
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: "4",
name: "Get full names",
- program: "s/#(\"people\"$_ .)-/{ s/:():/p as/:(#()#):/{ xdx } s/:(#((\"first_name\" | \"last_name\") .)#)-/X es/@(.#()-)-/{ xs/(#(\"first_name\" \".{-0}$a\")# | #(\"last_name\" \".{-0}$b\")# | .){-0}$_ `\"$a $b\"`/Xxs/-(..)@/p } }",
+ program: "s/#(\"people\">_ .)-/{ s/:():/p as/:(#()#):/{ xdx } s/:(#((\"first_name\"|\"last_name\") .)#)-/X es/@(.#()-)-/{ xs/(#(\"first_name\"\".*>a\")#|#(\"last_name\"\".*>b\")#|.)*>_`\"<a <b\"`/Xxs/-(..)@/p } }",
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `["Charlie Johnson","Tom Johnson","Charlie Chaplin","John Johnson"]`,
name: "Get full names 2",
- program: "s/#(\"people\"$_ .)-/{ s/:():/p as/:(#()#):/{ xdx } X/:(#((\"first_name\" | \"last_name\") .)#)-/o es/@(.#()-)-/{ xX/(#(\"first_name\" \".{-0}$a\")# | #(\"last_name\" \".{-0}$b\")# | .){-0}$_ `\"$a $b\"`/xs/-(..)@/p } }",
+ program: "s/#(\"people\">_.)-/{ s/:():/p as/:(#()#):/{ xdx } X/:(#((\"first_name\"|\"last_name\") .)#)-/o es/@(.#()-)-/{ xX/(#(\"first_name\"\".*>a\")#|#(\"last_name\"\".*>b\")#|.)*_`\"<a <b\"`/xs/-(..)@/p } }",
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `["Charlie Johnson","Tom Johnson","Charlie Chaplin","John Johnson"]`,
name: "Change full names in place",
- program: "s/#(\"people\" @(. #(\"first_name\" .)#)@)#/{ Nms/#(\"people\" @(. (#(\"first_name\" \".{-0}$a\" \"last_name\" \".{-0}$b\")#$_) `#(\"name\" \"$a $b\")#`)@)#/ }",
+ program: "s/#(\"people\"@(.#(\"first_name\".)#)@)#/{ Nms/#(\"people\"@(.(#(\"first_name\"\".*>a\"\"last_name\"\".*>b\")#_)`#(\"name\"\"<a <b\")#`)@)#/ }",
input: miscInput,
expected: `{"something":{"nested":"Here is my test value"},"array":["Hello","world","these","are","values"],"people":[{"name":"Charlie Johnson","age":22},{"name":"Tom Johnson","age":18},{"name":"Charlie Chaplin","age":122},{"name":"John Johnson","age":48}]}`,
name: "Get full names with substitute next command",
- program: "s/#( \"people\"$_ :( #( \"first_name\"$_ . )- )- )-/{ N/#( \"people\"$_ :( #( \"last_name\"$_ . )- )- )-/{ s/-( -( ~(.{-0}` `)- ~(.{-0})- )~ ):/p }}",
+ program: "s/#(\"people\"_:(#(\"first_name\"_.)-)-)-/{ N/#(\"people\"_:(#(\"last_name\"_.)-)-)-/{ s/-(-(~(.*` `)-~(.*)-)~):/p }}",
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `["Charlie Johnson","Tom Johnson","Charlie Chaplin","John Johnson"]`,
name: "Get full names with merge full command",
- program: "s/#(\"people\"$_ :(): )-/p M/#( \"people\" @( . #()# )@ )#/{ s/#( \"people\"$_ @( . #[ \"first_name\" \".{-0}$a\" | \"last_name\" \".{-0}$b\" | .. $_]- `\"$a $b\"` )@ )-/p }",
+ program: "s/#(\"people\"_:():)-/p M/#(\"people\"@(.#()#)@)#/{ s/#(\"people\"_@(.#[(\"first_name\"\".*>a\"|\"last_name\"\".*>b\"|..)_]-`\"<a <b\"`)@)-/p }",
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `["Charlie Johnson","Tom Johnson","Charlie Chaplin","John Johnson"]`,
name: "Verbose concat array values",
- program: "as/#( \"array\"$_ :(): )-/{ :s N/#( .$_ . )-/{ es/.{-0}:():/be mbs } :em s/:( -( ~(.{-0}` `)-{-0} ~(.{-0})- )~ )-/p }",
+ program: "as/#(\"array\"_:():)-/{ :s N/#(._.)-/{ es/.*:():/be mbs } :em s/:(-(~(.*` `)-*~(.*)-)~)-/p }",
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `"Hello world these are values"`,
name: "Short concat array values",
- program: "M/#( \"array\" :(): )#/{ s/#( \"array\"$_ :( .{-0} )- )-/ s/-( ~(.{-0}` `)-{-0} ~(.{-0})- )~/p }",
+ program: "M/#(\"array\":():)#/{ s/#(\"array\"_:(.*)-)-/ s/-(~(.*` `)-*~(.*)-)~/p }",
quiet: true,
input: miscInput,
expected: `"Hello world these are values"`,
name: "Drop first element of array",
- program: `s/#( "people" @( 0 . )@ )#/d`,
+ program: `s/#("people"@(0 .)@)#/d`,
input: miscInput,
expected: `{"something":{"nested":"Here is my test value"},"array":["Hello","world","these","are","values"],"people":[{"first_name":"Tom","last_name":"Johnson","age":18},{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Chaplin","age":122},{"first_name":"John","last_name":"Johnson","age":48}]}`,
name: "Drop last element of array",
- program: `M/#( "people" @( . , )@ )#/{ Ed }`,
+ program: `M/#("people"@(.,)@)#/{ Ed }`,
input: miscInput,
expected: `{"something":{"nested":"Here is my test value"},"array":["Hello","world","these","are","values"],"people":[{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Johnson","age":22},{"first_name":"Tom","last_name":"Johnson","age":18},{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Chaplin","age":122}]}`,
name: "Drop last element of simple array",
- program: `s/#( "array" @( . . )@ )#/{ Ed }`,
+ program: `s/#("array"@(..)@)#/{ Ed }`,
input: miscInput,
expected: `{"something":{"nested":"Here is my test value"},"array":["Hello","world","these","are"],"people":[{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Johnson","age":22},{"first_name":"Tom","last_name":"Johnson","age":18},{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Chaplin","age":122},{"first_name":"John","last_name":"Johnson","age":48}]}`,
name: "Drop last element of mixed array",
- program: `M/#( "array" @( . , )@ )#/{ Ed }`,
+ program: `M/#("array"@(.,)@)#/{ Ed }`,
input: mixedArray,
expected: `{"array":["first",null,3,{"name":"second"}]}`,
name: "Drop last element of mixed array 2",
- program: `M/#( "array" @( . , )@ )#/{ Ed }`,
+ program: `M/#("array"@(.,)@)#/{ Ed }`,
input: mixedArray2,
expected: `{"array":["first",null,3,"second"]}`,
name: "Prepend to array",
- program: "as/#( \"array\" :( `\"First\"` ): )#/",
+ program: "as/#(\"array\":(`\"First\"`):)#/",
input: miscInput,
expected: `{"something":{"nested":"Here is my test value"},"array":["First","Hello","world","these","are","values"],"people":[{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Johnson","age":22},{"first_name":"Tom","last_name":"Johnson","age":18},{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Chaplin","age":122},{"first_name":"John","last_name":"Johnson","age":48}]}`,
name: "Append to array",
- program: "es/#( \"array\" :( `\"Last\"` ): )#/",
+ program: "es/#(\"array\":(`\"Last\"`):)#/",
input: miscInput,
expected: `{"something":{"nested":"Here is my test value"},"array":["Hello","world","these","are","values","Last"],"people":[{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Johnson","age":22},{"first_name":"Tom","last_name":"Johnson","age":18},{"first_name":"Charlie","last_name":"Chaplin","age":122},{"first_name":"John","last_name":"Johnson","age":48}]}`,
diff --git a/subex/arithmetic.go b/subex/arithmetic.go
index 4c87d5f..5e0eb44 100644
--- a/subex/arithmetic.go
+++ b/subex/arithmetic.go
@@ -3,171 +3,84 @@ package subex
import (
- "strconv"
-func sumValues(values []walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error) {
- allBools := true
- var sum float64 = 0
- var any bool = false
- for _, value := range values {
- switch v := value.(type) {
- case walk.NullValue:
- allBools = false
- case walk.BoolValue:
- if v {
- sum += 1
- any = true
- }
- case walk.NumberValue:
- allBools = false
- sum += float64(v)
- case walk.StringValue:
- allBools = false
- num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(v), 64)
- if err == nil {
- sum += num
- } else {
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to sum non-castable string")
- }
- default:
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to sum non-number")
- }
+func binopAdd(values []walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error) {
+ if len(values) != 2 {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to sum a weird number of values")
+ }
+ lhs, lhsIsNumber := values[0].(walk.NumberValue)
+ if !lhsIsNumber {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to sum a lhs that is not a number")
- if allBools {
- return []walk.Value{walk.BoolValue(any)}, nil
- } else {
- return []walk.Value{walk.NumberValue(sum)}, nil
+ rhs, rhsIsNumber := values[1].(walk.NumberValue)
+ if !rhsIsNumber {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to sum a rhs that is not a number")
+ return []walk.Value{walk.NumberValue(float64(lhs) + float64(rhs))}, nil
-// Compounds atoms into values, if all values are booleans, does AND, if not, tries to cast to numbers and multiply
-func multiplyValues(values []walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error) {
- allBools := true
- var product float64 = 1
- var all bool = false
- for _, value := range values {
- switch v := value.(type) {
- case walk.NullValue:
- allBools = false
- product *= 0
- case walk.BoolValue:
- if !v {
- product *= 0
- all = false
- }
- case walk.NumberValue:
- allBools = false
- product *= float64(v)
- case walk.StringValue:
- allBools = false
- num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(v), 64)
- if err == nil {
- product *= num
- } else {
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to multiply non-castable string")
- }
- default:
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to multiply non-number")
- }
+func binopMultiply(values []walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error) {
+ if len(values) != 2 {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to multiply a weird number of values")
- if allBools {
- return []walk.Value{walk.BoolValue(all)}, nil
- } else {
- return []walk.Value{walk.NumberValue(product)}, nil
+ lhs, lhsIsNumber := values[0].(walk.NumberValue)
+ if !lhsIsNumber {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to multiply a lhs that is not a number")
-// Does tries to cast all to numbers and negates them
-func negateValues(values []walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error) {
- var negatedNumbers []walk.Value
- for _, value := range values {
- switch v := value.(type) {
- case walk.NullValue:
- negatedNumbers = append(negatedNumbers, walk.NumberValue(0))
- case walk.BoolValue:
- if v {
- negatedNumbers = append(negatedNumbers, walk.NumberValue(-1))
- } else {
- negatedNumbers = append(negatedNumbers, walk.NumberValue(0))
- }
- case walk.NumberValue:
- negatedNumbers = append(negatedNumbers, walk.NumberValue(-float64(v)))
- case walk.StringValue:
- num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(v), 64)
- if err == nil {
- negatedNumbers = append(negatedNumbers, walk.NumberValue(-num))
- } else {
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to negate non-castable string")
- }
- default:
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to negate non-number")
- }
+ rhs, rhsIsNumber := values[1].(walk.NumberValue)
+ if !rhsIsNumber {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to multiply a rhs that is not a number")
- return negatedNumbers, nil
+ return []walk.Value{walk.NumberValue(float64(lhs) * float64(rhs))}, nil
-// If all are castable to numbers, takes reciprocals of all and returns them
-// Else errors
-func reciprocalValues(values []walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error) {
- var reciprocals []walk.Value
- for _, value := range values {
- switch v := value.(type) {
- case walk.NullValue:
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to take reciprocal of null")
- case walk.BoolValue:
- if v {
- reciprocals = append(reciprocals, walk.NumberValue(1))
- } else {
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to take reciprocal of false")
- }
- case walk.NumberValue:
- reciprocals = append(reciprocals, walk.NumberValue(1 / float64(v)))
- case walk.StringValue:
- num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(v), 64)
- if err == nil {
- reciprocals = append(reciprocals, walk.NumberValue(1 / num))
- } else {
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to take reciprocal of non-castable string")
- }
- default:
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to take reciprocal of non-number")
- }
+func binopDivide(values []walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error) {
+ if len(values) != 2 {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to divide a weird number of values")
+ }
+ lhs, lhsIsNumber := values[0].(walk.NumberValue)
+ if !lhsIsNumber {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to divide a lhs that is not a number")
+ }
+ rhs, rhsIsNumber := values[1].(walk.NumberValue)
+ if !rhsIsNumber {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to divide a rhs that is not a number")
- return reciprocals, nil
+ return []walk.Value{walk.NumberValue(float64(lhs) / float64(rhs))}, nil
-// If all are castable to booleans, NOTs all and returns them
-// Else errors
-func notValues(values []walk.Value) (notted []walk.Value, err error) {
+func arithmeticSum(values []walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error) {
+ var total float64 = 0
for _, value := range values {
- switch v := value.(type) {
- case walk.NullValue:
- notted = append(notted, walk.BoolValue(true))
- case walk.BoolValue:
- notted = append(notted, walk.BoolValue(!bool(v)))
- case walk.NumberValue:
- notted = append(notted, walk.BoolValue(v == 0))
- case walk.StringValue:
- notted = append(notted, walk.BoolValue(len(v) == 0))
- default:
- return nil, errors.New("Tried to NOT non-boolean")
+ n, isNumber := value.(walk.NumberValue)
+ if !isNumber {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to sum non-number value")
+ total += float64(n)
- return notted, nil
+ return []walk.Value{walk.NumberValue(total)}, nil
-// Returns true if all values are equal, false if not
-func equalValues(values []walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error) {
- if len(values) == 0 {
- return []walk.Value{walk.BoolValue(true)}, nil
- }
- first := values[0]
- for _, value := range values[1:] {
- // TODO: Refine the equality check
- if value != first {
- return []walk.Value{walk.BoolValue(false)}, nil
+func arithmeticProduct(values []walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error) {
+ var product float64 = 0
+ for _, value := range values {
+ n, isNumber := value.(walk.NumberValue)
+ if !isNumber {
+ return nil, errors.New("Tried to sum non-number value")
+ product *= float64(n)
- return []walk.Value{walk.BoolValue(true)}, nil
+ return []walk.Value{walk.NumberValue(product)}, nil
diff --git a/subex/filter.go b/subex/filter.go
index 309d6c7..87c83a4 100644
--- a/subex/filter.go
+++ b/subex/filter.go
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package subex
import (
+ "math"
+ "fmt"
type valueFilter interface {
@@ -86,3 +88,172 @@ type selectRuneFilter struct {
func (f selectRuneFilter) runeFilter(r rune) bool {
return f.r == r
+type numberFilter interface {
+ add(m float64) numberFilter
+ multiply(m float64) numberFilter
+ numberFilter(n float64) bool
+func (_ anyNumberFilter) numberFilter(n float64) bool {
+ return true
+func (_ anyNumberFilter) add(m float64) numberFilter {
+ return anyNumberFilter{}
+func (_ anyNumberFilter) multiply(m float64) numberFilter {
+ if m == 0.0 {
+ return equalNumberFilter {0.0}
+ } else {
+ return anyNumberFilter{}
+ }
+func (_ anyNumberFilter) String() string {
+ return "r"
+type divisibleNumberFilter struct {
+ divisor float64
+ target float64
+func (d divisibleNumberFilter) numberFilter(n float64) bool {
+ mod := math.Mod(n, d.divisor)
+ if mod < 0 {
+ mod += d.divisor
+ }
+ return mod == d.target
+func (d divisibleNumberFilter) add(m float64) numberFilter {
+ mod := math.Mod(m + d.target, d.divisor)
+ if mod < 0 {
+ mod += d.divisor
+ }
+ return divisibleNumberFilter {
+ divisor: d.divisor,
+ target: mod,
+ }
+func (d divisibleNumberFilter) multiply(m float64) numberFilter {
+ if m == 0.0 {
+ return equalNumberFilter {0.0}
+ }
+ target := d.target
+ if m < 0 {
+ target = d.divisor - target
+ m = -m
+ }
+ return divisibleNumberFilter {
+ divisor: d.divisor * m,
+ target: target * m,
+ }
+func (d divisibleNumberFilter) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(x %% %v == %v)", d.divisor, d.target)
+type andNumberFilter struct {
+ lhs, rhs numberFilter
+func (a andNumberFilter) numberFilter(n float64) bool {
+ return a.lhs.numberFilter(n) && a.rhs.numberFilter(n)
+func (a andNumberFilter) add(m float64) numberFilter {
+ return andNumberFilter {
+ lhs: a.lhs.add(m),
+ rhs: a.rhs.add(m),
+ }
+func (a andNumberFilter) multiply(m float64) numberFilter {
+ return andNumberFilter {
+ lhs: a.lhs.multiply(m),
+ rhs: a.rhs.multiply(m),
+ }
+func (a andNumberFilter) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(%v && %v)", a.lhs, a.rhs)
+type orNumberFilter struct {
+ lhs, rhs numberFilter
+func (o orNumberFilter) numberFilter(n float64) bool {
+ return o.lhs.numberFilter(n) || o.rhs.numberFilter(n)
+func (o orNumberFilter) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(%v || %v)", o.lhs, o.rhs)
+type notNumberFilter struct {
+ operand numberFilter
+func (no notNumberFilter) numberFilter(n float64) bool {
+ return !no.operand.numberFilter(n)
+func (no notNumberFilter) add(m float64) numberFilter {
+ return notNumberFilter {no.operand.add(m)}
+func (no notNumberFilter) multiply(m float64) numberFilter {
+ return notNumberFilter {no.operand.multiply(m)}
+func (no notNumberFilter) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(!%v)", no.operand)
+type lessThanNumberFilter struct {
+ rhs float64
+func (l lessThanNumberFilter) numberFilter(n float64) bool {
+ return n < l.rhs
+func (l lessThanNumberFilter) add(m float64) numberFilter {
+ return lessThanNumberFilter {l.rhs + m}
+func (l lessThanNumberFilter) multiply(m float64) numberFilter {
+ if m > 0 {
+ return lessThanNumberFilter {l.rhs * m}
+ } else if m < 0 {
+ return greaterThanNumberFilter {l.rhs * m}
+ } else {
+ return equalNumberFilter {0}
+ }
+func (l lessThanNumberFilter) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(x < %v)", l.rhs)
+type greaterThanNumberFilter struct {
+ rhs float64
+func (g greaterThanNumberFilter) numberFilter(n float64) bool {
+ return n > g.rhs
+func (g greaterThanNumberFilter) add(m float64) numberFilter {
+ return greaterThanNumberFilter {g.rhs + m}
+func (g greaterThanNumberFilter) multiply(m float64) numberFilter {
+ if m > 0 {
+ return greaterThanNumberFilter {g.rhs * m}
+ } else if m < 0 {
+ return lessThanNumberFilter {g.rhs * m}
+ } else {
+ return equalNumberFilter {0}
+ }
+func (g greaterThanNumberFilter) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(x > %v)", g.rhs)
+type equalNumberFilter struct {
+ rhs float64
+func (e equalNumberFilter) numberFilter(n float64) bool {
+ return n == e.rhs
+func (e equalNumberFilter) add(m float64) numberFilter {
+ return equalNumberFilter {e.rhs + m}
+func (e equalNumberFilter) multiply(m float64) numberFilter {
+ return equalNumberFilter {e.rhs * m}
diff --git a/subex/lex.go b/subex/lex.go
index 0f00a99..dfe89b7 100644
--- a/subex/lex.go
+++ b/subex/lex.go
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ func (l *StringRuneReader) Next() rune {
func (l *StringRuneReader) Rewind() {
l.pos -= l.width
+func (l *StringRuneReader) RewindRune(r rune) {
+ l.pos -= utf8.RuneLen(r)
func NewStringRuneReader(input string) RuneReader {
return &StringRuneReader {
diff --git a/subex/main.go b/subex/main.go
index 32a5cf3..d4cacb9 100644
--- a/subex/main.go
+++ b/subex/main.go
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ func CompileTransducer(transducerAst SubexAST) Transducer {
slotMap := SlotMap{
next: NextSlotIds{
values: 0,
- runes: 0,
+ runes: 0,
ids: make(map[rune]SlotId),
@@ -264,6 +264,8 @@ func addStates(curStates []SubexEatBranch, newStates []SubexBranch, nesting []bo
state: s,
aux: state.aux,
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid type of state")
return curStates
diff --git a/subex/main_test.go b/subex/main_test.go
index fb6f152..3855dbc 100644
--- a/subex/main_test.go
+++ b/subex/main_test.go
@@ -36,7 +36,63 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
tests := []test {
- subex: `..+`,
+ // Keep only 5
+ subex: `(5|(.>_))*`,
+ input: []walk.Value {
+ walk.NumberValue(0),
+ walk.NumberValue(1),
+ walk.NumberValue(2),
+ walk.NumberValue(3),
+ walk.NumberValue(4),
+ walk.NumberValue(5),
+ walk.NumberValue(9),
+ walk.NumberValue(10),
+ walk.NumberValue(11),
+ walk.NumberValue(2.5),
+ walk.NumberValue(7.0),
+ walk.NumberValue(-3),
+ },
+ expected: []walk.Value {
+ walk.NumberValue(5),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ // Keep only odd numbers between 0 and 10
+ subex: `([c5*2+1]|(.>_))*`,
+ input: []walk.Value {
+ walk.NumberValue(0),
+ walk.NumberValue(1),
+ walk.NumberValue(2),
+ walk.NumberValue(3),
+ walk.NumberValue(4),
+ walk.NumberValue(5),
+ walk.NumberValue(9),
+ walk.NumberValue(10),
+ walk.NumberValue(11),
+ walk.NumberValue(2.5),
+ walk.NumberValue(7.0),
+ walk.NumberValue(-3),
+ },
+ expected: []walk.Value {
+ walk.NumberValue(1),
+ walk.NumberValue(3),
+ walk.NumberValue(5),
+ walk.NumberValue(9),
+ walk.NumberValue(7),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ subex: "r*([pi*2]%a`<a/2`)|([pi*2+1]%b`<b*3+1`)",
+ input: []walk.Value {
+ walk.NumberValue(32),
+ },
+ expected: []walk.Value {
+ walk.NumberValue(32),
+ walk.NumberValue(16),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ subex: `(..)%+`,
input: []walk.Value {
@@ -70,7 +126,7 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
- subex: `~(.$_(.{-0}))~`,
+ subex: `~(.>_(.*))~`,
input: []walk.Value {
@@ -79,7 +135,7 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
- subex: `#(".".{-0})-`,
+ subex: `#(".".*)-`,
input: []walk.Value {
walk.MapValue {
@@ -94,7 +150,7 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
- subex: "@(..$a`$a$a`{-0})@",
+ subex: "@(((..)%a<a)*)@",
input: []walk.Value {
walk.ArrayValue {
walk.ArrayElement {
@@ -221,7 +277,7 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
- subex: `@(.$_~(.{-0})-{-0})~`,
+ subex: `@((.>_~(.{-0})-){-0})~`,
input: []walk.Value {
walk.ArrayValue {
@@ -265,7 +321,7 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
- subex: ":(.{-0}+)-",
+ subex: ":(.{-0}%+)-",
input: []walk.Value {
walk.ArrayValue {
@@ -287,7 +343,7 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
- subex: "~(-(.)~{-0}):",
+ subex: "~(-(.)~*):",
input: []walk.Value {
@@ -309,7 +365,7 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
- subex: "#(.(.$_){-0}):",
+ subex: "#((..>_)*):",
input: []walk.Value {
walk.MapValue {
@@ -344,7 +400,7 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
- subex: ":(.`null`{-0})#",
+ subex: ":((.`null`)*)#",
input: []walk.Value {
walk.ArrayValue {
@@ -379,7 +435,7 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
- subex: `#(".$_(.{-0})".{-0})#`,
+ subex: `#((".>_.*".)*)#`,
input: []walk.Value {
walk.MapValue {
@@ -406,7 +462,7 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
- subex: ".{-0}`\"hello\"`",
+ subex: ".*`\"hello\"`",
input: []walk.Value {
@@ -437,3 +493,46 @@ func TestSubexMain(t *testing.T) {
+func doCollatzTest(t *testing.T, init int) {
+ input := []walk.Value {
+ walk.NumberValue(init),
+ }
+ last := init
+ lexer := NewStringRuneReader("r*([pi*2]%a`<a/2`|[pi*2+1]%b`<b*3+1`)")
+ ast := Parse(lexer)
+ transducer := CompileTransducer(ast)
+ for last != 1 {
+ output, err := RunTransducer(transducer, input)
+ if err {
+ t.Errorf("Collatz rejected %v", input)
+ return
+ }
+ if last % 2 == 0 {
+ last = last / 2
+ } else {
+ last = last * 3 + 1
+ }
+ if !reflect.DeepEqual(append(input, walk.NumberValue(last)), output) {
+ t.Errorf("Collatz took input: %v and produced output %v", input, output)
+ return
+ }
+ input = output
+ }
+ output, err := RunTransducer(transducer, input)
+ if !err {
+ t.Errorf("Collatz accepted input %v. Produced output: %v", input, output)
+ }
+func TestSubexCollatz(t *testing.T) {
+ doCollatzTest(t, 32)
+ doCollatzTest(t, 7)
diff --git a/subex/parse.go b/subex/parse.go
index e91008a..179cc01 100644
--- a/subex/parse.go
+++ b/subex/parse.go
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package subex
import (
- "fmt"
@@ -64,6 +63,7 @@ const (
type RuneReader interface {
Next() rune
+ RewindRune(r rune)
func accept(l RuneReader, chars string) bool {
@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ func parseScalarLiteral(l RuneReader) (walk.Scalar, bool) {
panic("Invalid literal")
- fmt.Printf("%c\n", r)
panic("Invalid literal")
@@ -145,6 +144,72 @@ func parseInt(l RuneReader) (output int) {
return output
+func parseNumberFilter(l RuneReader, minPower int) SubexASTNumberFilter {
+ var lhs SubexASTNumberFilter
+ r := l.Next()
+ switch r {
+ case eof:
+ panic("Missing matching ]")
+ case 'c':
+ count := parseInt(l)
+ lhs = SubexASTNumberFilterCount {count}
+ case 'p':
+ var subset NumberSubset
+ if l.Next() == 'i' {
+ subset = NumberSubsetPositiveInteger
+ } else {
+ subset = NumberSubsetPositiveReal
+ l.Rewind()
+ }
+ lhs = SubexASTNumberFilterSubset {
+ subset: subset,
+ }
+ default:
+ if !isNumericRune(r) {
+ panic("Invalid character in numeric []")
+ }
+ var builder strings.Builder
+ builder.WriteRune(r)
+ for {
+ r := l.Next()
+ if !isNumericRune(r) {
+ l.Rewind()
+ break
+ }
+ builder.WriteRune(r)
+ }
+ numberString := builder.String()
+ number, err := strconv.ParseFloat(numberString, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Invalid number literal")
+ }
+ lhs = SubexASTNumberFilterLiteral {number}
+ }
+ loop: for {
+ r := l.Next()
+ switch {
+ case r == '+' && minPower <= 10:
+ lhs = SubexASTNumberFilterAdd {
+ lhs: lhs,
+ rhs: parseNumberFilter(l, 11),
+ }
+ case r == '*' && minPower <= 20:
+ lhs = SubexASTNumberFilterMultiply {
+ lhs: lhs,
+ rhs: parseNumberFilter(l, 21),
+ }
+ default:
+ l.Rewind()
+ break loop
+ }
+ }
+ return lhs
// Having just read {, read in and parse the range contents
func parseRepeatRange(l RuneReader) (output []ConvexRange) {
loop: for {
@@ -189,7 +254,7 @@ func parseRepeatRange(l RuneReader) (output []ConvexRange) {
return output
-func parseValueReplacement(l RuneReader, end rune) (output SubexAST) {
+func parseValueReplacementOLD(l RuneReader, end rune) (output SubexAST) {
output = SubexASTEmpty{}
// TODO escaping
// TODO add arrays, maps and strings
@@ -222,7 +287,7 @@ func parseValueReplacement(l RuneReader, end rune) (output SubexAST) {
Second: SubexASTDestructure {
Destructure: NoneStructure,
Structure: MapStructure,
- Content: parseValueReplacement(l, ')'),
+ Content: parseValueReplacementOLD(l, ')'),
if !accept(l, "#") {
@@ -264,7 +329,7 @@ func parseRuneReplacement(l RuneReader, end rune) (output SubexAST) {
panic("Missing closing `")
case end:
break loop
- case '$':
+ case '<':
slot := l.Next()
if slot == eof {
panic("Missing slot character")
@@ -287,6 +352,126 @@ func parseRuneReplacement(l RuneReader, end rune) (output SubexAST) {
return output
+func parseValueReplacement(l RuneReader, end rune, minPower int) SubexAST {
+ // TODO: escaping probably
+ var lhs SubexAST
+ r := l.Next()
+ switch r {
+ case eof:
+ panic("Missing closing `")
+ case end:
+ l.Rewind()
+ return SubexASTEmpty{}
+ case 'n':
+ if !accept(l, "u") {
+ panic("Expected null")
+ }
+ if !accept(l, "l") {
+ panic("Expected null")
+ }
+ if !accept(l, "l") {
+ panic("Expected null")
+ }
+ lhs = SubexASTOutputValueLiteral {
+ literal: walk.NullValue{},
+ }
+ // TODO: everything except numbers, strings, maps, and null
+ case '"':
+ lhs = SubexASTDestructure {
+ Destructure: NoneStructure,
+ Structure: StringStructure,
+ Content: parseRuneReplacement(l, '"'),
+ }
+ case '#':
+ if !accept(l, "(") {
+ panic("Missing ( after #")
+ }
+ lhs = SubexASTDestructure {
+ Destructure: NoneStructure,
+ Structure: MapStructure,
+ Content: parseValueReplacement(l, ')', 0),
+ }
+ if !accept(l, ")") {
+ panic("Missing closing )")
+ }
+ if !accept(l, "#") {
+ panic("Missing # after )")
+ }
+ case '<':
+ slot := l.Next()
+ if slot == eof {
+ panic("Missing slot character")
+ }
+ lhs = SubexASTOutputValueLoad {
+ slot: slot,
+ }
+ default:
+ if !isNumericRune(r) {
+ panic("Invalid character in numeric")
+ }
+ var builder strings.Builder
+ builder.WriteRune(r)
+ for {
+ r := l.Next()
+ if !isNumericRune(r) {
+ l.Rewind()
+ break
+ }
+ builder.WriteRune(r)
+ }
+ numberString := builder.String()
+ number, err := strconv.ParseFloat(numberString, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Invalid number literal")
+ }
+ lhs = SubexASTOutputValueLiteral {
+ literal: walk.NumberValue(number),
+ }
+ }
+ loop: for {
+ r := l.Next()
+ switch {
+ case r == eof:
+ panic("Missing closing `")
+ case r == '+' && minPower <= 10:
+ lhs = SubexASTBinop {
+ op: binopAdd,
+ lhs: lhs,
+ rhs: parseValueReplacement(l, end, 11),
+ }
+ case r == '*' && minPower <= 20:
+ lhs = SubexASTBinop {
+ op: binopMultiply,
+ lhs: lhs,
+ rhs: parseValueReplacement(l, end, 21),
+ }
+ case r == '/' && minPower <= 20:
+ lhs = SubexASTBinop {
+ op: binopDivide,
+ lhs: lhs,
+ rhs: parseValueReplacement(l, end, 21),
+ }
+ case r == end:
+ l.Rewind()
+ break loop
+ case minPower <= 2:
+ l.Rewind()
+ lhs = SubexASTConcat {
+ First: lhs,
+ Second: parseValueReplacement(l, end, 3),
+ }
+ default:
+ l.Rewind()
+ break loop
+ }
+ }
+ return lhs
// Parse the contents of a range subex [] into a map
// func parseRangeSubex(l RuneReader) map[walk.AtomOLD]walk.AtomOLD {
// // TODO escaping
@@ -471,165 +656,395 @@ func parseSubex(l RuneReader, minPower int, inType Type) (lhs SubexAST, outType
r := l.Next()
switch r {
- case eof:
- return nil, inType
- case '(':
- lhs, outType = parseSubex(l, 0, inType)
- if !accept(l, ")") {
- panic("Missing matching )")
- }
- case '-':
- lhs, outType = parseDestructure(l, NoneStructure, inType)
- case '~':
- lhs, outType = parseDestructure(l, StringStructure, inType)
- case '@':
- lhs, outType = parseDestructure(l, ArrayStructure, inType)
- case ':':
- lhs, outType = parseDestructure(l, ArrayValuesStructure, inType)
- case '#':
- lhs, outType = parseDestructure(l, MapStructure, inType)
- case '"':
- if inType == ValueType {
- var innerOutType Type
- lhs, innerOutType = parseSubex(l, 0, RuneType)
- if !accept(l, "\"") {
- panic("Missing matching \"")
- }
- resolveTypes(innerOutType, RuneType)
- lhs = SubexASTDestructure {
- Destructure: StringStructure,
- Structure: StringStructure,
- Content: lhs,
- }
- outType = ValueType
- } else {
- l.Rewind()
- return SubexASTEmpty{}, inType
+ case eof:
+ return nil, inType
+ case '(':
+ lhs, outType = parseSubex(l, 0, inType)
+ if !accept(l, ")") {
+ panic("Missing matching )")
+ }
+ case '-':
+ lhs, outType = parseDestructure(l, NoneStructure, inType)
+ case '~':
+ lhs, outType = parseDestructure(l, StringStructure, inType)
+ case '@':
+ lhs, outType = parseDestructure(l, ArrayStructure, inType)
+ case ':':
+ lhs, outType = parseDestructure(l, ArrayValuesStructure, inType)
+ case '#':
+ lhs, outType = parseDestructure(l, MapStructure, inType)
+ case '"':
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
+ var innerOutType Type
+ lhs, innerOutType = parseSubex(l, 0, RuneType)
+ if !accept(l, "\"") {
+ panic("Missing matching \"")
+ }
+ resolveTypes(innerOutType, RuneType)
+ lhs = SubexASTDestructure {
+ Destructure: StringStructure,
+ Structure: StringStructure,
+ Content: lhs,
- // TODO
- // case '[':
- // rangeParts := parseRangeSubex(l)
- // lhs = SubexASTRange {rangeParts}
- case ')', ']', '|', ';', '{', '+', '*', '/', '!', '=', '$':
+ outType = ValueType
+ // RuneType
+ default:
return SubexASTEmpty{}, inType
- case '.':
- outType = inType
- if inType == RuneType {
- lhs = SubexASTCopyAnyRune{}
- } else {
- lhs = SubexASTCopyAnyValue{}
- }
- case ',':
+ }
+ case '<':
+ slot := l.Next()
+ switch slot {
+ case eof:
+ panic("Missing slot")
+ case '>':
+ panic("Parsing error. Tried to parse <> as a subex with nothing before it")
+ default:
switch inType {
case ValueType:
- outType = inType
- lhs = SubexASTCopyAnySimpleValue{}
+ lhs = SubexASTOutputValueLoad {
+ slot: slot,
+ }
case RuneType:
- outType = inType
- lhs = SubexASTCopyRune{','}
+ lhs = SubexASTOutputRuneLoad {
+ slot: slot,
+ }
panic("Invalid inType")
- case '?':
+ }
+ case '[':
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyNumberFilter {
+ filter: parseNumberFilter(l, 0),
+ }
+ if !accept(l, "]") {
+ panic("Missing matching ]")
+ }
+ default:
+ // TODO: other types
+ panic("[] is only valid for values currently")
+ }
+ case ')', ']', '|', '{', '+', '*':
+ l.Rewind()
+ return SubexASTEmpty{}, inType
+ case '.':
+ outType = inType
+ if inType == RuneType {
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyAnyRune{}
+ } else {
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyAnyValue{}
+ }
+ case ',':
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
outType = inType
- lhs = SubexASTCopyBool{}
- case '%':
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyAnySimpleValue{}
+ case RuneType:
outType = inType
- lhs = SubexASTCopyNumber{}
- case '`':
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyRune{','}
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid inType")
+ }
+ case 'r':
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
outType = inType
- switch inType {
- case ValueType:
- lhs = parseValueReplacement(l, '`')
- case RuneType:
- lhs = parseRuneReplacement(l, '`')
- default:
- panic("Invalid inType")
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyNumberFilter {
+ filter: SubexASTNumberFilterSubset {
+ subset: NumberSubsetReal,
+ },
- case ' ':
- if inType == RuneType {
- outType = RuneType
- lhs = SubexASTCopyRune {' '}
- } else {
- goto start
+ case RuneType:
+ outType = inType
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyRune {'r'}
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid inType")
+ }
+ case '?':
+ outType = inType
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyBool{}
+ case '`':
+ outType = inType
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
+ lhs = parseValueReplacement(l, '`', 0)
+ if !accept(l, "`") {
+ panic("Missing closing `")
+ case RuneType:
+ lhs = parseRuneReplacement(l, '`')
- outType = inType
- if inType == RuneType {
- lhs = SubexASTCopyRune {r}
- } else {
- l.Rewind()
- scalar, ok := parseScalarLiteral(l)
- if !ok {
- panic("Invalid subex")
- }
- lhs = SubexASTCopyScalar {scalar}
+ panic("Invalid inType")
+ }
+ case ' ':
+ switch inType {
+ case RuneType:
+ outType = RuneType
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyRune {' '}
+ case ValueType:
+ goto start
+ }
+ default:
+ outType = inType
+ switch inType {
+ case RuneType:
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyRune {r}
+ // ValueType, NumberType
+ case ValueType:
+ l.Rewind()
+ scalar, ok := parseScalarLiteral(l)
+ if !ok {
+ panic("Invalid subex")
+ lhs = SubexASTCopyScalar {scalar}
+ }
loop: for {
- if minPower <= 20 {
- next, outType2 := parseSubex(l, 21, inType)
- // TODO: next might legitimately be SubexASTEmpty, e.g. ``
- if next != nil && (next != SubexASTEmpty{}) {
- outType = resolveTypes(outType, outType2)
- lhs = SubexASTConcat{lhs, next}
- continue loop
- }
- }
r := l.Next()
switch {
- case r == '{' && minPower <= 4:
- lhs = SubexASTRepeat {
+ case r == eof:
+ break loop
+ case r == '{' && minPower <= 10:
+ lhs = SubexASTRepeat {
+ Content: lhs,
+ Acceptable: parseRepeatRange(l),
+ }
+ case r == '+' && minPower <= 10:
+ lhs = SubexASTRepeat {
+ Content: lhs,
+ Acceptable: []ConvexRange {{
+ Start: -1,
+ End: 1,
+ }},
+ }
+ case r == '*' && minPower <= 10:
+ lhs = SubexASTRepeat {
+ Content: lhs,
+ Acceptable: []ConvexRange {{
+ Start: -1,
+ End: 0,
+ }},
+ }
+ case r == '_' && minPower <= 10:
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
+ lhs = SubexASTDiscard {
Content: lhs,
- Acceptable: parseRepeatRange(l),
+ InnerOutType: outType,
- case r == '+' && minPower <= 4:
- lhs = SubexASTSum {lhs}
- resolveTypes(inType, ValueType)
- outType = resolveTypes(outType, ValueType)
- case r == '*' && minPower <= 4:
- lhs = SubexASTProduct {lhs}
- resolveTypes(inType, ValueType)
- outType = resolveTypes(outType, ValueType)
- case r == '!' && minPower <= 4:
- lhs = SubexASTNot {lhs}
- resolveTypes(inType, ValueType)
- outType = resolveTypes(outType, ValueType)
- case r == '$' && minPower <= 4:
+ outType = AnyType
+ case RuneType:
+ // Just a concat
+ lhs = SubexASTConcat {
+ lhs,
+ SubexASTCopyRune {
+ rune: '_',
+ },
+ }
+ outType = AnyType
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid inType")
+ }
+ case r == '%' && minPower <= 10:
+ slot := l.Next()
+ switch slot {
+ case eof:
+ panic("Missing slot character")
+ case '<', '>':
+ panic("Invalid character after %")
+ case '_':
+ panic("Cannot load from _")
+ default:
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
+ lhs = SubexASTConcat {
+ First: SubexASTStoreValues {
+ Match: lhs,
+ Slot: slot,
+ },
+ Second: SubexASTOutputValueLoad {
+ slot: slot,
+ },
+ }
+ case RuneType:
+ lhs = SubexASTConcat {
+ First: SubexASTStoreRunes {
+ Match: lhs,
+ Slot: slot,
+ },
+ Second: SubexASTOutputRuneLoad {
+ slot: slot,
+ },
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid inType")
+ }
+ }
+ case r == '>' && minPower <= 10:
+ slot := l.Next()
+ switch slot {
+ case eof:
+ panic("Missing slot character")
+ case '>':
slot := l.Next()
- if slot == eof {
+ switch slot {
+ case eof:
panic("Missing slot character")
- }
- if slot == '_' {
+ case '_':
lhs = SubexASTDiscard {
Content: lhs,
InnerOutType: outType,
- } else {
- if inType == ValueType {
- lhs = SubexASTStoreValues {
+ outType = AnyType
+ default:
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
+ lhs = SubexASTAppendStoreValues {
Match: lhs,
Slot: slot,
- } else {
- lhs = SubexASTStoreRunes {
+ case RuneType:
+ lhs = SubexASTAppendStoreRunes {
Match: lhs,
Slot: slot,
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid inType")
+ outType = AnyType
+ }
+ case '<':
+ slot := l.Next()
+ switch slot {
+ case eof:
+ panic("Missing slot character")
+ case '_':
+ panic("Cannot load from _ slot")
+ default:
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
+ lhs = SubexASTConcat {
+ First: SubexASTStoreValues {
+ Match: lhs,
+ Slot: slot,
+ },
+ Second: SubexASTOutputValueLoad {
+ slot: slot,
+ },
+ }
+ case RuneType:
+ lhs = SubexASTConcat {
+ First: SubexASTStoreRunes {
+ Match: lhs,
+ Slot: slot,
+ },
+ Second: SubexASTOutputRuneLoad {
+ slot: slot,
+ },
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid inType")
+ }
+ outType = inType
+ }
+ case '_':
+ lhs = SubexASTDiscard {
+ Content: lhs,
+ InnerOutType: outType,
outType = AnyType
- case r == '|' && minPower <= 8:
- rhs, outType2 := parseSubex(l, 9, inType)
- outType = resolveTypes(outType, outType2)
- if rhs == nil {
- panic("Missing subex after |")
+ default:
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
+ lhs = SubexASTStoreValues {
+ Match: lhs,
+ Slot: slot,
+ }
+ case RuneType:
+ lhs = SubexASTStoreRunes {
+ Match: lhs,
+ Slot: slot,
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid type")
+ }
+ outType = AnyType
+ }
+ case r == '<' && minPower <= 6:
+ slot := l.Next()
+ switch slot {
+ case eof:
+ panic("Missing slot character")
+ case '_':
+ panic("Cannot load from _ slot")
+ case '>':
+ slot := l.Next()
+ switch slot {
+ case eof:
+ panic("Missing slot character")
+ case '_':
+ panic("Cannot load from _ slot")
+ default:
+ switch inType {
+ case ValueType:
+ lhs = SubexASTConcat {
+ SubexASTOutputValueLoad {
+ slot: slot,
+ },
+ SubexASTStoreValues {
+ Match: lhs,
+ Slot: slot,
+ },
+ }
+ case RuneType:
+ lhs = SubexASTConcat {
+ SubexASTOutputRuneLoad {
+ slot: slot,
+ },
+ SubexASTStoreRunes {
+ Match: lhs,
+ Slot: slot,
+ },
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid inType")
+ }
- lhs = SubexASTOr{lhs, rhs}
+ // This is just a concat
+ l.RewindRune('<')
+ next, outType2 := parseSubex(l, 7, inType)
+ // TODO: next might legitimately be SubexASTEmpty, e.g. ``
+ if next != nil && (next != SubexASTEmpty{}) {
+ outType = resolveTypes(outType, outType2)
+ lhs = SubexASTConcat{lhs, next}
+ continue loop
+ }
+ }
+ case r == '|' && minPower <= 2:
+ rhs, outType2 := parseSubex(l, 3, inType)
+ outType = resolveTypes(outType, outType2)
+ if rhs == nil {
+ panic("Missing subex after |")
+ }
+ lhs = SubexASTOr{lhs, rhs}
+ case minPower <= 6:
+ l.Rewind()
+ next, outType2 := parseSubex(l, 7, inType)
+ // TODO: next might legitimately be SubexASTEmpty, e.g. ``
+ if next != nil && (next != SubexASTEmpty{}) {
+ outType = resolveTypes(outType, outType2)
+ lhs = SubexASTConcat{lhs, next}
+ } else {
break loop
+ }
+ default:
+ l.Rewind()
+ break loop
return lhs, outType
diff --git a/subex/subexast.go b/subex/subexast.go
index 655a783..89949ba 100644
--- a/subex/subexast.go
+++ b/subex/subexast.go
@@ -32,20 +32,60 @@ type SubexASTStoreValues struct {
Slot rune
func (ast SubexASTStoreValues) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap, inType Type, outType Type) SubexState {
+ if inType != ValueType {
+ panic("Invalid inType storing to value slot")
+ }
id := slotMap.getId(ast.Slot)
- newNext := ast.Match.compileWith(&SubexStoreEndState {
+ var endState SubexState = &SubexStoreEndState {
slot: id,
next: next,
- }, slotMap, inType, ValueType)
+ }
+ switch ast.Slot {
+ case '+':
+ endState = &SubexCaptureBeginState {
+ next: ast.Match.compileWith(&SubexArithmeticEndState {
+ calculate: arithmeticSum,
+ next: endState,
+ }, slotMap, inType, outType),
+ }
+ case '*':
+ endState = &SubexCaptureBeginState {
+ next: ast.Match.compileWith(&SubexArithmeticEndState {
+ calculate: arithmeticProduct,
+ next: endState,
+ }, slotMap, inType, outType),
+ }
+ default:
+ endState = ast.Match.compileWith(endState, slotMap, inType, outType)
+ }
return &SubexCaptureBeginState {
- next: newNext,
+ next: endState,
func (ast SubexASTStoreValues) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("$%c(%v)", ast.Slot, ast.Match)
+type SubexASTAppendStoreValues struct {
+ Match SubexAST
+ Slot rune
+func (ast SubexASTAppendStoreValues) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap, inType Type, outType Type) SubexState {
+ id := slotMap.getId(ast.Slot)
+ newNext := ast.Match.compileWith(&SubexStoreEndState {
+ slot: id,
+ next: next,
+ }, slotMap, inType, ValueType)
+ return &SubexOutputValueLoadState {
+ slot: id,
+ next: &SubexCaptureBeginState {
+ next: newNext,
+ },
+ }
type SubexASTStoreRunes struct {
Match SubexAST
Slot rune
@@ -66,6 +106,25 @@ func (ast SubexASTStoreRunes) String() string {
// Try to run the first subex, if it fails then backtrack and use the second
+type SubexASTAppendStoreRunes struct {
+ Match SubexAST
+ Slot rune
+func (ast SubexASTAppendStoreRunes) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap, inType Type, outType Type) SubexState {
+ id := slotMap.getId(ast.Slot)
+ newNext := ast.Match.compileWith(&SubexStoreEndState {
+ slot: id,
+ next: next,
+ }, slotMap, inType, RuneType)
+ return &SubexOutputRuneLoadState {
+ slot: id,
+ next: &SubexCaptureBeginState {
+ next: newNext,
+ },
+ }
type SubexASTOr struct {
First, Second SubexAST
@@ -238,6 +297,158 @@ func (ast SubexASTCopyNumber) String() string {
return "%"
+type SubexASTNumberFilter interface {
+ compile() numberFilter
+ computable() bool
+ compute() float64
+type SubexASTNumberFilterLiteral struct {
+ value float64
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterLiteral) compile() numberFilter {
+ return equalNumberFilter {ast.value}
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterLiteral) computable() bool {
+ return true
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterLiteral) compute() float64 {
+ return ast.value
+type NumberSubset int
+const (
+ NumberSubsetReal NumberSubset = iota
+ NumberSubsetInteger
+ NumberSubsetPositiveInteger
+ NumberSubsetZeroToOne
+ NumberSubsetPositiveReal
+ NumberSubsetNonNegativeReal
+type SubexASTNumberFilterSubset struct {
+ subset NumberSubset
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterSubset) compile() numberFilter {
+ switch ast.subset {
+ case NumberSubsetReal:
+ return anyNumberFilter{}
+ case NumberSubsetInteger:
+ return divisibleNumberFilter {
+ divisor: 1.0,
+ target: 0.0,
+ }
+ case NumberSubsetPositiveInteger:
+ return andNumberFilter {
+ lhs: divisibleNumberFilter {
+ divisor: 1.0,
+ target: 0.0,
+ },
+ rhs: greaterThanNumberFilter {0.0},
+ }
+ case NumberSubsetZeroToOne:
+ return andNumberFilter {
+ lhs: notNumberFilter {
+ lessThanNumberFilter {0},
+ },
+ rhs: notNumberFilter {
+ greaterThanNumberFilter {1},
+ },
+ }
+ case NumberSubsetPositiveReal:
+ return greaterThanNumberFilter {0}
+ case NumberSubsetNonNegativeReal:
+ return notNumberFilter {
+ lessThanNumberFilter {0},
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid NumberSubset")
+ }
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterSubset) computable() bool {
+ return false
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterSubset) compute() float64 {
+ panic("Tried to compute uncomputable")
+type SubexASTNumberFilterCount struct {
+ count int
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterCount) compile() numberFilter {
+ return andNumberFilter {
+ lhs: andNumberFilter {
+ lhs: notNumberFilter {
+ lessThanNumberFilter {0.0},
+ },
+ rhs: lessThanNumberFilter {float64(ast.count)},
+ },
+ rhs: divisibleNumberFilter {
+ divisor: 1.0,
+ target: 0.0,
+ },
+ }
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterCount) computable() bool {
+ return false
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterCount) compute() float64 {
+ panic("Tried to compute uncomputable")
+type SubexASTNumberFilterAdd struct {
+ lhs, rhs SubexASTNumberFilter
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterAdd) compile() numberFilter {
+ if ast.lhs.computable() {
+ return ast.rhs.compile().add(ast.lhs.compute())
+ } else {
+ return ast.lhs.compile().add(ast.rhs.compute())
+ }
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterAdd) computable() bool {
+ return ast.lhs.computable() && ast.rhs.computable()
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterAdd) compute() float64 {
+ return ast.lhs.compute() + ast.rhs.compute()
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterAdd) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(%v + %v)", ast.lhs, ast.rhs)
+type SubexASTNumberFilterMultiply struct {
+ lhs, rhs SubexASTNumberFilter
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterMultiply) compile() numberFilter {
+ if ast.lhs.computable() {
+ return ast.rhs.compile().multiply(ast.lhs.compute())
+ } else {
+ return ast.lhs.compile().multiply(ast.rhs.compute())
+ }
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterMultiply) computable() bool {
+ return ast.lhs.computable() && ast.rhs.computable()
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterMultiply) compute() float64 {
+ return ast.lhs.compute() * ast.rhs.compute()
+func (ast SubexASTNumberFilterMultiply) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(%v * %v)", ast.lhs, ast.rhs)
+type SubexASTCopyNumberFilter struct {
+ filter SubexASTNumberFilter
+func (ast SubexASTCopyNumberFilter) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap, inType Type, outType Type) SubexState {
+ if inType != ValueType || outType != ValueType {
+ panic("Invalid types for SubexASTCopyNumberFilter")
+ }
+ return &SubexCopyNumberState {
+ next: next,
+ filter: ast.filter.compile(),
+ }
// Read in a null, bool, number, string or empty array or map and output it unchanged
type SubexASTCopyAnySimpleValue struct {}
func (ast SubexASTCopyAnySimpleValue) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap, inType Type, outType Type) SubexState {
@@ -377,85 +588,31 @@ func (ast SubexASTOutputRuneLoad) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap,
// return fmt.Sprintf("[abc=xyz]")
// }
-// Run content, if content is a list of booleans, OR them, if all values are castable to numbers, sum them and output the total
-// Reject if neither of these cases match
-type SubexASTSum struct {
- Content SubexAST
-func (ast SubexASTSum) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap, inType Type, outType Type) SubexState {
- if inType != ValueType || outType != ValueType {
- panic("Invalid types for SubexASTSum")
- }
- return &SubexCaptureBeginState {
- next: ast.Content.compileWith(&SubexArithmeticEndState {
- next: next,
- calculate: sumValues,
- }, slotMap, inType, outType),
- }
+type SubexASTBinop struct {
+ op func ([]walk.Value) ([]walk.Value, error)
+ lhs, rhs SubexAST
-func (ast SubexASTSum) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)+", ast.Content)
-// Like sum but for AND and product
-type SubexASTProduct struct {
- Content SubexAST
-func (ast SubexASTProduct) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap, inType Type, outType Type) SubexState {
- if inType != ValueType || outType != ValueType {
- panic("Invalid types for SubexASTProduct")
- }
- return &SubexCaptureBeginState {
- next: ast.Content.compileWith(&SubexArithmeticEndState {
- next: next,
- calculate: multiplyValues,
- }, slotMap, inType, outType),
- }
-func (ast SubexASTProduct) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)*", ast.Content)
-// Runs the content Subex, if all outputted atoms can be cast to numbers, outputs them all negated
-// Rejects if this fails
-type SubexASTNegate struct {
- Content SubexAST
-func (ast SubexASTNegate) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap, inType Type, outType Type) SubexState {
- if inType != ValueType || outType != ValueType {
- panic("Invalid types for SubexASTNegate")
- }
- return &SubexCaptureBeginState {
- next: ast.Content.compileWith(&SubexArithmeticEndState {
- next: next,
- calculate: negateValues,
- }, slotMap, inType, outType),
- }
-func (ast SubexASTNegate) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)-", ast.Content)
-// Runs the content Subex and collects the output
-// Maps over the values in the output, casting each to a boolean, notting each and then outputs them
-// Rejects if it cannot cast to boolean
-type SubexASTNot struct {
- Content SubexAST
-func (ast SubexASTNot) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap, inType Type, outType Type) SubexState {
- if inType != ValueType || outType != ValueType {
- panic("Invalid types for SubexASTNot")
+func (ast SubexASTBinop) compileWith(next SubexState, slotMap *SlotMap, inType Type, outType Type) SubexState {
+ if outType != ValueType {
+ panic("Invalid types for SubexASTBinop")
return &SubexCaptureBeginState {
- next: ast.Content.compileWith(&SubexArithmeticEndState {
- next: next,
- calculate: notValues,
- }, slotMap, ValueType, ValueType),
+ next: ast.lhs.compileWith(
+ ast.rhs.compileWith(
+ &SubexArithmeticEndState {
+ next: next,
+ calculate: ast.op,
+ },
+ slotMap,
+ inType,
+ outType,
+ ),
+ slotMap,
+ inType,
+ outType,
+ ),
-func (ast SubexASTNot) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)!", ast.Content)
// Does nothing
type SubexASTEmpty struct {}
diff --git a/subex/subexstate.go b/subex/subexstate.go
index 8f27a10..3bcbdee 100644
--- a/subex/subexstate.go
+++ b/subex/subexstate.go
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ func (state SubexGroupState) epsilon(aux auxiliaryState) []SubexBranch {
+func (state SubexGroupState) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("{%T %p, %T %p}", state.first, state.first, state.second, state.second)
type SubexCopyState struct {
next SubexState
@@ -83,6 +86,24 @@ func (state SubexCopyRuneState) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("SubexCopyRuneState[%v]", state.filter)
+type SubexCopyNumberState struct {
+ next SubexState
+ filter numberFilter
+func (state SubexCopyNumberState) eat(aux auxiliaryState, edible walk.Edible) []SubexBranch {
+ number, isNumber := edible.(walk.NumberValue)
+ if !isNumber || !state.filter.numberFilter(float64(number)) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return []SubexBranch {{
+ state: state.next,
+ aux: aux.topAppend([]walk.Value {number}),
+ }}
+func (state SubexCopyNumberState) accepting(aux auxiliaryState) []OutputStack {
+ return nil
// Just pushes to the OutputStack and hands over to the next state
// Used to capture the output of the state being handed over to
type SubexCaptureBeginState struct {